Naturopathic Medicine & Medical Cannabis

Nov 5, 2019

Dr. Carolyn Stone is a naturopathic physician who is passionate about helping people, especially those dealing with autoimmune diseases. She herself is living with Hashimoto’s Thryroiditis which is the same autoimmune disease I have. She has helped me better understand myself and how to live my best while living with autoimmune.

We discuss medical marijuana (cannabis), its uses and why it can be beneficial. Although it has had a bad connotation in the past, it is starting to be more recognized in the medical community for its may benefits. You can also get your medical marijuana card from her. Check out more of her services and fees on her website.

She does much more than you think so check her out! If you are tired of not getting answers, go to a doctor that will actually listen to you and treat you as a person, not a condition.

Find out more:
Website |
Phone | 480-331-7353

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